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What is a drop box?
A drop box is a secure, locked structure that voters may use for the return of completed absentee ballot applications and voted absentee ballots.
Doesn’t my community already have a drop box?
The constitutional amendment requires all cities and townships to have at least one drop box. Larger cities and townships must have at least one drop box for every 15,000 registered voters. Communities that already have the required number of drop boxes are all set, although they may choose to provide more than the required number of drop boxes.
Where will the drop boxes be located?
When determining where drop boxes will be located, election officials must ensure that drop boxes are distributed equitably throughout the city or township. Voters can check where their drop boxes are located by going to
Can I use any dropbox in the state?
No. Voters may only use the dropboxes that are located in their jurisdiction of residence. For example, a registered voter in Warren may use any dropbox in the city of Warren, but they may not use a dropbox in Sterling Heights.
When must the dropboxes be available?
Drop boxes must be accessible 24/7 during the forty days prior to an election up to 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Are drop boxes secure?
Yes. Drop boxes must be securely locked and bolted down, and they must be designed to prevent the removal of absentee ballots and applications, except by authorized election officials. In addition, some drop boxes are subject to video surveillance.